Digital transformation in Public Administration

Integrated management, innovation, and security that only the Interact software provides.

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Digital transformation in Public Administration

Government agencies, secretariats, ministries and other governmental services are facing the challenge of digitizing their processes and indicators, requiring efficient management and optimized processes to facilitate this transition.

Moreover, in recent years, the need to have data quickly and easily accessible has become more constant with the rise of compliance and society’s increasing interest in knowing more about the decisions made by public management and their outcomes.

The Interact Solutions is the answer to take your results to a new level. Rely on our software to manage, analyze and make strategic decisions for your business.

Explore the available solutions for the government sector

Discover Interact’s software solutions for public management. Ensure quality management with the best outcomes for society.

Benefits and features

  • Business Plan 
  • Performance control with indicators
  • Innovation project management
  • Production performance
  • Process modeling and automation
  • Risks mapping
  • Performance improvement through controls
  • Retention of organizational culture
  • Increased business security
  • Higher productivity
  • Standardization of processes across sectors and branches

Let’s work together to turn your company into a success case

Transform public management right now

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Results that will elevate public administration to a new level

Technology adapted for government

Our platform is fully customizable and flexible to meet the specific needs of the government, from municipal projects to large ministries and government agencies.

Specialized support 

We have a specific team to assist you with the implementation and customization of our software in the Public Administration.


Proven experience

Interact Suite SA has more than 20 years of experience, built on effective and consistent features developed with key global methodologies and the input of our clients’ experiences.

Improving the knowledge of the teams

The Suite SA identifies the maturity stage of business management and proposes resources to elevate strategic decision-making with operational efficiency.

Decentralization of processes

The best management practices are easily disseminated, and learning is consistent, providing confidence for decision-making processes within hierarchies.

Security in descriptive and predictive analyses

The various organizational hierarchies will have digital resources to manage the performance of their areas and teams.

Retention of Organizational Culture

Due to the centralization of knowledge, standards, processes and outcomes in Interact Suite SA, the adverse effects of turnover and employee absence will be minimized.

Increased productivity

The optimization of time and increased availability of information enable more accurate and agile decision-making.

Our business segments

  • Ministries
  • Departments
  • Projects
  • Social Development
  • Education
  • Security
  • Councils
  • National Agencies
  • Culture

Solutions for all companies

Get in touch and find out which is the best tool for your business.