Interact Solutions participated in the 5th Hcpa Quality and Safety Meeting in Porto Alegre and lists the relevant points when talking about Risk and Quality Management.
On Thursday and Friday (May 18 and 19) the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) promoted the V Meeting of Quality and Safety that brought together, in Porto Alegre, hospital professionals, students and guests highlights of the sector.
Interact Solutions participated in the event, presenting its services in a corporate booth and approaching the routine of Risk Management within hospitals, in the search for elements that allow us to strengthen and improve the solutions of Quality and Process Management (SA OM, SA RM and SA BPM).
The Product Analysis Coordinator, Carolina Bonilla, followed the program and highlighted relevant points of the different lectures, pointing out the need and importance of structuring and implementing Risk and Quality Management within institutions, relying on systems that allow and facilitate monitoring and deployment within the organization.
First, the importance of management in Quality Management was addressed. Senior management must remain committed, involved and define a long-term vision, sharing values that guide and integrate employees, connecting them with the institution. A great challenge within organizations is to continue the management model, including the succession of leaders, because it takes place in the long term.
Following trends and valuing people, organizations should seek a flow of engagement: from who, define what and find THE AS. The concept aligns with the new methodologies that are based on the essence of people, giving relevance to the environment as a great motivator of results.
A way to disseminate the company’s philosophy more closely, keeping the basic concepts of planning in a friendly and global model, was proposed as:
- Vision: “our dream”
- Purpose (mission): “the reason we wake up daily”
- Guideline: “what we should do”
- Values: “how we do things around here”
Risk Management
The subject of study and the end of the event, Risk Management in the hospital environment, showed the importance of prioritizing the risks that are associated with the hospital’s objectives. A good practice in the way of linking Risk Management with strategic planning would be to link global mapping and reviews with the organization’s annual planning.
The responsible team should be oriented to focus on the solution, not just to seek or analyze problems in a timely manner, always with a look to the future. Continuously involving management and senior management.
The benefit of opting for a Transversal Process gains greater visibility seeking to integrate all areas. Not only considering process management or just the vision of planning or even limiting itself to the structure of sectors, but promoting the integration of these criteria.
More than aligning people with Risk Management, one must work in culture, in people, to achieve a positive and truly effective result.
In practice, some improvement actions such as: updating the Institution’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, reviewing strategic planning, improving the organizational structure, identifying training needs, etc. They should arise after each cycle of Risk Management.
Triple Aim
The governance model – Triple Aim – was presented and commented on by different speakers.
It proposes a method to improve the performance of the health system, composed of three objectives: to improve the experience of care, to improve the health of the population and to reduce the cost per capita. Aiming to offer value, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness and seeking the best cost-benefit ratio.
All these elements can be integrated into the SA suite, consolidating an integral structure and aligned management that allows monitoring and monitoring from the management model, directly linking to Risk and Process Management, with the measurement of indicators and analysis. And at a more dynamic and advanced level with systems integration, support yourself with: monitoring on mobile devices, notifications (institutional TV, email, mobile), automatic feeding of indicators, generation of analysis occurrences, instantiating automated processes, risk alerts based on business rules, etc.
Interested and want to implement/improve your Risk and Quality Management? We have a solution that suits your business. Click here to learn more about our solution.