Only six Brazilian hospitals are included in the World’s Best Hospitals 2023, an annual ranking by Newsweek magazine. Of these, five are clients of Interact, a corporate governance software company from Lajeado (RS). This is the fifth edition of the international ranking.
In total, 250 hospitals were selected from an analysis of 2,300 hospitals in 28 countries. In addition to Brazilians, Latin America is also represented by a hospital in Colombia. More than 800,000 experts were heard in an online survey.
The survey added patients’ experiences for the first time among the metrics used. Other criteria used were peer recommendation, quality of treatment, implementation of standardized questionnaires (PROMs) and adopted safety measures.
A quarter of the best hospitals
In addition to the international ranking, Newsweek magazine compiled a list of the best institutions in each country analyzed this year. In Brazil, 100 hospitals were selected. Of these, 28 are Interact customers.
Interact’s software is a reference in hospital quality management. In Latin America, there are 192 customers in the health area. Among them, approximately 41% have some certification in the quality area, such as ONA, Qmentum and Joint Commission.
Interact Suite SA offers a complete quality management lifecycle solution. A single platform also includes tools ranging from strategic planning to the automation of activities. In total, there are 14 management modules available in the cloud through web and mobile access.
About Newsweek
Newsweek is an American weekly news magazine. Originally from New York, it has international distribution, with over 3 million readers in 193 countries. Today it is considered the second-largest magazine in the United States, surpassed only by TIME magazine.
The World’s Best Hospitals is a project that aims to rank the best hospitals worldwide. The goal is to establish the ranking as the most comprehensive resource in terms of global lists in the hospital sector. The selection criteria for the 28 participating countries are standard of living and life expectancy, population size, number of hospitals and data availability.
Technology for hospital excellence
Discover the success story of Hospital Bruno Born, in Lajeado, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, which achieved ONA 3 accreditation, the highest level, during the pandemic. Present in the Newsweek ranking, the institution uses Interact Suite SA, software for corporate governance developed by Interact Solutions, to achieve and maintain a position of excellence in the health sector.