We are more accustomed to the Process Office and the Project Office, but here at Interact, we have added the Planning Office and work with an integrated approach to all three, resulting in the 3P Office solution.
The main objective of integrating the three is to unite theory and practice within the organization.
Process Office
The Process Office is an essential element in Process Management; it is a committee or sector responsible for structuring and ensuring the functioning of the company’s processes.
This area is responsible for connecting strategic guidelines and their operationalization through processes, which are simply the description of the daily activities necessary for the organization to function.
This activity can be carried out by an individual, but considering the amount of information and activities to be constantly monitored and evaluated, it is advisable that it be done by the Process Office.
Additionally, this office is responsible for spreading the BPM culture and strengthening the sense of belonging to the management model, so everyone can understand the ultimate objectives of their work.
An efficient Process Office needs to be multidisciplinary, with employees who have diverse experiences and perspectives to build an innovative BPM. Similarly, it needs to be independent, meaning it should have a connection and direct access to executive leaders.
It should also have a strategic vision, aiming to align strategic objectives with processes at all stages.
As it will be under constant evaluation, it may result in changes of all sizes, both at the company level and the process level. For this, an integrated approach with Project Management is essential.
Project Office
The Project Management Office, as the name suggests, is responsible for the company’s Project Management.
Similar to the Process Office, the function of the Project Office is to standardize project-related processes, provide guidance, ensure the correct allocation of resources, and monitor their progress.
During the supervision of the company’s projects, the office is responsible for tracking progress and ensuring alignment with the company’s strategic objectives. Additionally, it will be responsible for resource management and the allocation of costs, personnel, and even equipment.
When projects result in new processes, it is also necessary to consider standardization according to the organization’s existing guidelines. It is essential to establish common directives and practices while ensuring consistency in the documentation generated from the projects.
And, just like in Process Management, Project Management needs to be aligned with the company’s Strategic Planning, dedicating itself to developing management strategies for both, aligning processes and projects with strategic objectives, and defining standards and priorities.
For these and other reasons, an integrated approach between the two offices was chosen, also including a third one related to planning. Aligning the three central pillars of corporate governance within a company aims for efficient strategic management.
The Strategic Planning of the organization can be based on numerous methodologies for its construction; however, here at Interact, we use the BSC (Balanced Scorecard).
It is the foundation of any business, capable of determining its objectives and strategies, focused on the organizational purpose, integrating all parts of the planning into a single model.
To start a business, it is necessary to have a plan, and over the years, it needs to be reviewed to ensure that expectations are still aligned with reality. It is essential to know where you want to go, how to get there, and what to evaluate to know if the action plan is working.
The review should be done periodically to propose new challenges. After all, what to do when the company has already achieved its goals? If the objectives of this phase of the planning have already been achieved, it is time to identify what more can be done.
Planning will guide the actions of all areas of the organization, especially the Process Office and the Project Office. Therefore, an integrated approach between these three areas is essential for effective management.
How to implement this integrated approach?
Interact Suite SA has a solution that facilitates this integrated approach, combining modules capable of managing the Process Office, Project Office, and Strategic Planning in a single software.
Additionally, the solution allows for the automation of these offices to enable the alignment of strategy with the company’s operations. The software also facilitates the alignment of strategic maps with other business perspectives through an automatic communication system.
Among the main features, we highlight the optimized tracking of process execution and results, as well as the management of all project stages, integrating the involved parties.
To ease its use, its standards comply with major guidelines, such as BPM CBOK, PMBOK, GPD, and BSC.
Want to know if this solution meets your needs? Visit our website now and talk to one of our consultants.
Bianca Wermann
Journalist, Communication and Marketing Analyst at Interact Solutions.