On Saturday, December 2nd, Interact Latam, Interact Solutions, and Interact Technology hosted the third edition of BPM Hackathon with the theme “AI in Customer Journey,” featuring Gart Capote as the main speaker, a patrhon of BPM in Brazil. The online event, lasting 11 hours, gathered over 300 participants from countries such as Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina, Costa Rica, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Chile, Spain, and Portugal.
Over the day, teams went through several game stages, ranging from creating the team’s visual identity to presenting qualified teams’ pitches. Usualy steps 1 to 4 are aligned with the process management cycle. However, in this edition, another challenge was added: incorporating the Customer Journey methodology, created by Gart, presented in the opening lecture focusing on artificial intelligence.
Automation, following steps that involved understanding the customer and outlining objectives, marked the halfway point of the challenge. To progress in the game, teams initially had to model the process using Interact Flow, before automating it in Interact Suite SA.
While reaching the end might seem challenging, facilitators were present at every moment, ready to assist teams as needed, especially regarding the platform and the proposed case.
Judges, professionals with extensive experience in several areas, were tasked with evaluating teams presenting their pitches and determining the winners. The team included Juan Jorge Herrera, CEO of Rocketbot; Jossely Arias, Submanager of Organization, Processes, and Quality at Grupo Empresarial Lafuente S.R.L; Héctor Ñopo Aguilar, Principal Consultant at Value Hunter; and Kurt Molz, Development Director at Interact Technology.
At the end, although three teams being crowned winners, all participants shared a champion’s spirit, having challenged their knowledge and expanded their learning.
Check out some highlights of the event by clicking here.
Winner Teams:
1st Place – Team #1 composed of Bruno Cunha, Gabriel R. Pergher, and Aline Fontainha.
2nd Place – Team #3 composed of Iran Bandurka, Vinícius Schaffer, João Bosco, Maria Luiza Andrade, and Lilian Patrícia de Albuquerque.
3rd Place – Team #6 composed of Luis Frank, Leyla Martel, Maley Verioska and Jorge Salcedo.
Institutions that supported the event:
Luis Frank Martínez Ancieta
“Amazing experience, sharing experiences and knowledge in practical cases with international evaluators, including Héctor Ñopo Aguilar. Thank you for your Interact Solutions and Interact Latam initiative.” See full testimony
Patrícia Sebastian
“Exchange of experience (professional and cultural), time management, discipline, focus. All of this comes down to an event that started at 10am (Brazil Time) and ended at 9pm (Brazil Time). We create a case based on AI and RPA. The documents generated in a short time were so rich and team 2 presented their case Pitch. What an Interact Solutions and Interact Latam experience. I loved the facilitators, I loved the tools and organization of the event.” See full testimony
Joan Manuel Moron Baca
“Interact Flow has been fundamental in modeling and managing processes in this Hackathon. We are currently working with the 5W2H tool to fully understand the process.” See full testimony