On January 10th, the first kick-off meeting was held, marking the beginning of a new Interact Suite SA implementation project, this time at the Municipal Public Company for Solid Waste Management, Rumiñahui-Aseo, EPM, located in Ecuador.
The project is being carried out by Interact Latam in collaboration with Infoquality, a consulting firm with over 17 years of market experience and headquarters in Ecuador. Moreover, this project highlights the growth of Ecuadorian companies in their pursuit of excellence and process automation.
The meeting was attended by Fernando Estrada and Iván Lasso, directors of Interact Latam; Samir Alfredo Arroyo, international projects consultant at Interact Latam; Boris Valencia, CEO of Infoquality S.A.; and project consultants Francisco Valencia and Patricia Gómez Pérez, also from Infoquality. Representing the client were Mónica Melo, Marco Ríos, and Carolina Sánchez, General Manager, ICT Manager, and Planning Manager, respectively.
The Municipal Public Company for Solid Waste Management, Rumiñahui-Aseo, is dedicated to the comprehensive management of solid waste, aiming to ensure high-quality and sustainable services in Ecuador.
Its decision to implement Interact Suite SA stems from its initiative toward digital transformation, supported by consulting services for strategic planning and the implementation of a quality management system with technological support, aligning with best practices in corporate governance.
The project includes specific features such as the configuration and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard, the adoption of a management system and standards similar to ISO 9001 and 14001, the establishment of the 3P’s Office, the automation of an end-to-end process, the delivery of documentation and user manuals, among other elements.